Newbie Natural…|5 basics
So are you are new natural or as confused as I was when I began my journey? (Let’s not even mention lusting after long tresses from other natural hair gurus). Are you planning to walk into the shop to begin your purchases? Well, I have a couple of ideas for you… especially if you are in Kenya.
Where to go:
Your kitchen : its valuable, lots of stuff come from here… you won’t even believe
Supermarket: I find Nakumatt quite stocked. You may opt for other supermarkets.
Super Cosmetics : its singlehandedly the largest stocker of natural friendly products at a relatively fair price
Facebook vendors: they are life savers. Get one from an established source like Tricia’s Naturals Marketplace
So let’s begin…
1. Three letters: L.O.C

The Key to healthy natural hair is maintaining moisture in your hair. For moisture to be maintained we need to introduce moisture into our hair first hence the L in L.O.C. it stands for liquid. Water is the ONLY liquid that can introduce moisture into our strands. Water is free!
The O in L.O.C is for oil. It is best to buy food grade oil like Extra Virgin Olive oil or Coconut oil to get the nutrients in their most pure forms. These oils are also great for your skin. One or two oils are just okay, don’t break your bank.
The C in L.O.C is for Cream. This helps seal in the moisture. Shea butter or any butter (mango, cocoa) that includes petroleum Jelly can do the job just fine. Petroleum products however need to be washed out of the hair with harsh shampoos so caution should be taken when using it.
2. Shampoo

Sulfate free shampoo should be priority at all times unless you are using harsh ingredients all the time. If you have to use a sulfates shampoo, opt for kinder versions like laureth sulfates as opposed to lauryl sulphates. Generally sulphates shampoos should be used once in six to eight weeks and hair should be conditioned afterwards.
I learnt a super easy sulfate free shampoo DIY recipe that I will share soon on the blog. Hang around.
3. Spray Bottle

This will facilitate moisturizing your hair and can easily be obtained in a supermarket.
A simple recipe to incorporate in the mix:
1 teaspoon of conditioner
Glycerine/ aloevera juice
1 tablespoon of your favourite oil
Mix well and spray away, let your strands soak in the moisture.
4. Satin scarf

To sleep with. Satin unlike cotton helps keep moisture in the hair longer so do yourself a favor and get one.
5. Patience
Hair takes time to grow… don’t get frustrated just hang in there. With the right diet and lifestyle you should be just fine.

Love and love