Coming up with a regimen

Hey lovelies,
I shared with you my hair regimen a while back and I’m thinking the next question is how do you then personalize your hair journey and regimen? When I started out on this journey the biggest favour I did for myself was to keep my eyes open and of course my brain. I read all that I could read and sifted through loads of information. I still read a lot much more than I did then. I found some five “mantras” that really helped me get a foothold of this journey and I shall share with you

1. Read and read a lot
There is loads and loads of information everywhere and that is what you need. Look out for any information and go through it. Try synthesize it so that you come up with and understanding of your own. There are youtubers and bloggers who hand that information to you free of charge. Grasp the opportunities to learn. I say this quite cautiously because the information might be contradicting so keep your brain open to think and find out what best works for you.
2. Deep condition every time you wash and co wash
Our hair need lots of moisture and this is one of the ways to ensure our hair keeps in the moisture. It can be a little taxing because it adds 30 minutes or there about to your wash day which is a sacrifice on your part. So when you make it a habit, it stops bothering you, you actually love it. (I even started deep conditioning on the go under my scarves and turbans.

3. No combs or harsh tools in the first six months
In the first months of your journey especially if you are recovering from some type of damage, your hair is trying to figure out the sudden change in patterns and habits, so be gentle to it. Try finger detangling and keeping it in protective styles so that it figures out itself slowly but surely.
4. Social media
Inspiration comes from here. Diversify your crowd to include natural hair peoples who are also in the same journey you are in.
5. You
Here is where the bulk of the work lies. I had to give you a pep talk in the first four points so that we get to the big deal here.
Look at your schedule, create time for your hair… a time when you are relaxed because you don’t want to touch bae when you are frustrated ey?
Lean to handle your own hair. Nobody does your hair better than you.
Keep your mind open. You may try and sometimes fail, but don’t be afraid to try again
Also hair grows from inside out. What are you eating? What is your lifestyle like?

How did you come up with your hair regimen? I’d love to know…drop me a comment
To find out about my regimen, there is this post
Love and love