Recent Favourite Habits
Hello loves,
Happy Sunday, the day we all get to prepare for a busy week ahead. Hope you have been great as I have. Today I thought I’d share with you a few of the things I have been loving of late and have been giving me life. I compiled both habits and products.

1.Waking up early.
Im such an early bird, I love to wake up as early as four and I find it quite interesting to work in the silence of the early morning. Though I have been a little over board with this early thing and my body is tired right now, I still find it really awesome to wake up early in the morning.

2.Pampering myself
Having mentioned how my body has been overworking, this has become my favourite activity. It helps your body to relax especially when you don’t have enough time to let your body relax naturally and rejuvenate itself. A bonus is that the products smell so good.

My friend Winny got me this absolute bae, yea an adult coloring book as a way to channel my inner creativity. I wanted it so bad! Thanks Winny. Did I also say it is a great way to relax your brain? You can get one for yourself here.

Walking is a great relaxing way to exercise. I have been taking these with B seeing that we are forest peoples and love outdoors so much. Great places to have walks include Karura forest, it has really long trails that are exciting.

5.Me- time/ time alone
Time alone is great for re-evaluating and reflecting on your life, (and no this is not meant to sound deep). Taking time alone does give you the necessary recharge you need to go on with life. Best time alones are spent in meditation and also prayer. I sometimes color, listen to music or tag B along and have serious conversations.

You usually feel so much better when you eat well, and eat good food yes? This is also true in my case, except that I feel way better knowing that I can prepare good food as well. I have tried and failed, sometimes succeded to make absolutely awesome dishes that I will share on the blog a little later.
What have you loved of late? I would love to know…share with me in the comments section below.