Confidence...the struggle

Hey people
I have a confession to make. So if you have met me before, you probably know that I am one of the people who pretty much have their lives together. I have really supportive parents and a great best friend who couples up as bae (read as the “one”) and the best sisters you could ask for. Generally my squad is dope! And as you would expect my life is set.

End of illusion and now welcome to the real world. I know it sounds cliché but the truth is my life is quite the contrary, and no it’s not because of family or bae. I happen to be one of the most freak-out-iy (I proudly created this word and claim all rights to it) person ever! Yes, I worry a lot and are very quick to discredit myself.

You see when I say that I am not the most confident person lots of my friends and acquaintances will dispute that, I mean I’m all about asking questions and dishing opinions here and there. In fact I’m usually the class perfect back-up vote of thanks person. But for some reason I have bouts of low confidence moments that hit hard. And they hit more frequently than I like to admit.
I had such a week ago and of course you know that the week was mostly a slump. I didn’t even feel like waking up or doing anything. It was just like dig a hole and bury yourself in there kind of mentality. the good news is that the cloud usually finally lifts even if it’s only for a bit. When it does, feel free to enjoy the sunshine that peeks through (and I’d say enjoy it to the maximum.)
I thought I’d share with you a couple of ways I try to deal with these days

Get a cheerleader
This is your real squad, those who challenge you and point out your awesomenesss. It could be one person or many depending on you. Your family may be a good place to start or your significant other. Share with them what you are going through and be honest about it even though it is a small thing. Usually a cup of tea or juice or your favourite ice-cream later, you will be so full of positive vibes you will be amazed.
It would be important to state here that you should really avoid anyone who belittles your emotion because you will end up feeling twice as bad.
2. Do something you love
Yes, your hobby like swimming, colouring or hiking etc. just do something that redirects your energy. This helps to distract you and chances are you may be fairly good at it so why not.
3.Try and avoid the trigger
If it is a person or circumstance that you can avoid please do. Hanging around them will only make it worse!! If you can’t avoid then try to limit exposure .

Also talking to HIM helps a lot it’s probably the best solution, but there are times that I have been in such a hole that I didn’t think HE would listen to me anyway. Here is where a bestie comes in because, they pray for you (which is a plus) and pray with you which is super awesome!!!

How else do you deal with low moments? I would love to know.