Alberto Balsam Shampoo and Conditioner review

Hey everyone,
Hope you have heard a good week so far. Today's post is a product review. I have been shying away from doing these, but here I am. So let’s dive right into the post.
I bought the two products at Nakumatt retailing for 225 kshs which may be just under 3$ for each product. I love the packaging and both products smell really nice. I used the product on my wash day three weeks ago after wearing my hair blown out for three and a half weeks.

I opted for the sun-kissed cherry flavor for the shampoo because it smells also is quite light and flowy. After my 30mins prepoo with my coconut oil, I headed to the bathroom to wash my hair which was in four sections. I applied about a handful of shampoo to my scalp and massaged it into my scalp. I then rinsed it out.usually I do one wash, but I opted for two washes for properly clarifying sake. Speaking of clarifying, this product has a sulfate, yes it has. I use sulfates as clarifiers (of course with pre-pooing). Surprisingly my hair was clean without my hair over-drying at all. WIN!!

For the conditioner my choice was the anti-oxidant blue berry flavor that also smells amazing. After rinsing out the shampoo I applied the conditioner on to my hair strands and the slip was magical I actually liked it a lot. I let it sit for five minutes on my hair. My hair was actually soft by the end of wash day which is awesome.

So my final thoughts…
The conditioner’s slip is awesome
The shampoo doesn’t actually dry out your hair.
Its cheap, both products retail for under $5
There is a wide variety of flavors…
Sulfates… need I say more
Also the conditioner has silicone which makes it un-ideal for co-washing.
Have you used this product before/ what was your experience?