On self love

Hey beautiful people…
Happy end of the week. Hope you are holding up well. I am so so excited because September started quite well actually…last Sunday was the best friend’s birthday and we got down to some cooking which I shall share with you soon. Apart from that let us talk about self-love today. When someone says self-love it usually sounds like a bad excuse to indulge in vanity (or so I think in my head) but my mind has gotten round to wrapping itself around that concept.

I read alex_elle’s blog and I was very inspired to get into my own self-love experience and I have been finding so much beauty and love and sunshine in life. I think I am more patient now with the little faults in people (read as peeves). Thinking back to last month I have really experienced so much more love from myself and others as well.

I have had major wins as far as self-appreciation is concerned. Getting to shower my curves and edges with lots of love and even wear them proudly is a big deal! Also, accepting my weaknesses and coming up with a way to improve myself is coming at a pace that I am happy with.
Thanks for journeying with me on this. For those not on board, let’s join and learn to love us!! I would love to hear about your journey too!!

Love and love