Keeping moisture in your hair

Hello lovelies,
One of the biggest struggles of naturalistas is to keep their hair moisturised. When I began my hair journey, I suffered from extra dry hair for the most part simply because I had no idea on how to take care of my hair, especially with regards to retaining moisture. So for anyone with a similar struggle… I compiled a list of reminders for you. I hope you learn something or you remember stuff you used to do.

Pre-poo your hair
This is basically adding oils to your hair to not only impart the good stuff on your hair but to also prevent your hair from being stripped of its natural oils during washing. It is best advised to use penetrative oils like coconut, olive or avocado oils because these three penetrate the hair shaft .

Use a moisturising shampoo and conditioner
This helps greatly to impact moisture in your hair. A good moisture regimen begins at wash day. Avoid using shampoos that are high in sulfates and that will dry out your hair. Also, it is essential to condition ater every wash to get back the moisture lost during the wash day.

Deep condition your hair.
Deep conditioning adds the lost moisture and nutrients back to your hair. Always deep condition with a moisture rich store bought conditioner or you may just DIY your way out. I shared cheap and easy DIY hair deep conditioning recipes in this post.
Moisturise your hair midweek / everyday/ every other day
A great way to ensure that your hair stays moisturised between wash days is to re-moisturise during the week. Depending on your porosity it could be daily, every other day or just once a week. This ensures that your hair has a constant moisture supply.

Seal in your moisture.
After imparting moisture to your strands, seal it in with a heavy oil like castor, or a butter like Shea butter. This keeps the moisture in your strands, and you will realixe that you don’t have to re moisturise as much between wash days.
Sleep in a satin/ silk scarf
In your night routine, adding a satin scarf before you go to bed ensures that your hair retains moisture till morning. Cotton pillowcases sap moisture out of our hair and cause it to be dry and crinkly. If you are not big on scarves, a satin pillowcase or a satin bonnet will be an amazing substitute.

Concentrate on your ends.
Your ends are the oldest part of your hair and resultantly loose moisture the fastest. Ensure you give them extra love. Protective styling in buns and styles that tuck in your ends are a good way to keep moisture in tour hair.

Product recommendations:
Cantu leave in conditioning cream
Kentaste Virgin coconut oil
Dove volume boost conditioner (nutritive solutions line)
Castor oil
Shea butter. (whipped, you can talk to me if you need some)
Mikalla shampoo and conditioner
Mosara moisture milk
What habits do you use to retain your moisture? I would love to know.
Love and love,