HOW TO: Shea Butter in 3 ways...

Hey loves… hope you are awesome!! As I was whipping shea butter today, I thought I would share with you some of the excess shea butter that I whipped and also some information on how you could use your shea butter. Shea butter is great because apart from being natural (which means it doesn’t have all the bad stuff) it contains vitamins A, E and F. It offers UV protection (it is SPF ~6) and provides the skin with essential fatty acids and the nutrients necessary for collagen production..
Moisturizing: The concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids in Shea butter makes it incredibly nourishing and moisturizing for skin. It is often used to remedy dry skin and to help protect the skin’s natural oils.
Reduces Inflammation: A 2010 study found that due to its cinnamic acid and other natural properties, shea butter was anti-inflammatory. (source) One compound in particular, lupeol cinnamate, was found to reduce skin inflammation and even potentially help avoid skin mutations. This also makes it beneficial for some people with acne.
Skin Smoothing: Shea butter aids in the skin’s natural collagen production and contains oleic, stearic, palmitic and linolenic acids that protect and nourish the skin to prevent drying. With long term use, many people report skin softening and strengthening as well as wrinkle reduction.

Shea butter is a great product for hair especially type four hair. Because of its buttery consistency, it helps to maintain moisture /seal moisture in your hair and it is also a great styler. To use it in hair…
In the L.O.C method… use it as the cream. It helps to seal in the moisture that you have put in the hair so that it stays for longer, and your hair does not become dry instantly/sooner.
As a styler, you may sprits your hair with water to just about damp… then set your twist or braid or bantu knot and let it set overnight. You will achieve a mean twist out like in this post.
You may also use it to boost your conditioner to make a deep conditioner.

By itself as a skin and face moisturiser especially in the colder months… it has such a good feel to the skin
As a lip balm to moisturise my lips in my evening routine
To help banish my acne scars and control my acne generally
On the eyelids before applying makeup to make it last longer (I haven’t done this before… you should try)
As a natural cuticle cream

3.Medicinal uses.
To improve skin elasticity (some even say it helps with cellulite)
As a massage butter… when B has to take care of feet lol
On scars to naturally help collagen production
On sore/raw noses during a cold or flu
As an SPF 6 skin lotion
How do you use your shea butter?
Also… I have a few jars of the extra shea butter I made that I am putting up for sale. I you are interested you can reach me on my social media accounts or via text through +254-789-394-222 or B +254-736-462-381.
Love and love,