Beginner's guide to Natural Hair

Hello lovelies… Happy end of February
Hope your year is going okay… today we talk re-visiting our natural hair journey. I got a question from someone who wanted advice on how to do their natural hair… so I put up a bunch of habits and ideas that I thought would be useful. You can also write to me through the contact me section of the blog if you have any question or you want to keep have pdf resource material. In to the post shall we?
This is one of the hardest part because you will need to walk far and wide and lots of trial error and money to finally find a product that works for you.
Wash day habits!!
Prepoo your hair before shampooing. Prepooing is adding oils to your hair and mini conditioning your hair so as to prevent over drying when you finally wash it.
Wash your hair in sections and better still in twists it prevents matting, and tangling of hair in the shower.
Try as much as possible to use a sulphate free shampoo during wash day…If not use a low sulphate shampoo like this one.
ALWAYS deep condition with every wash. You could use a store bought conditioner… or this suggestion or DIY deep conditioners. Deep conditioning puts back the moisture you may have lost during wash day and gives the hair much needed nutrition.
If you opt to co-wash ensure you have a silicone free conditioner. Silicones are sealants and they may seal moisture out of your hair.
Moisturise your hair… moisture is your hair’s best friend.

In between washes
Moisturise your hair in between wash days… keep your moisture levels on point.
Keep styling to a minimum, your hair loves to be left alone trust me. Pick a protective style or a low manipulation style .
Don’t hold your hair in buns that are too tight… protect your edges
Massage your hair at least once a week.
Oil your scalp… at least once a week.

Try to keep your stash very simple… your hair needs time to adjust. Sometimes you simply don’t know how to use a product.
Do your research: you may want to know about sulfates, silicones,petrolatum etc. choose what you will exclude and what you accommodate
Expensive doesn’t necessarily mean awesome…
I hope this helps… If you have any questions… please ask. This tab on the blog provides more info
Love and love