A birthday post

Hello loves, *taps mic*
Happy March…. And happy new month. I haven’t been here this month!! Well there is two great things I wanted to come on here and share.
The first is…. It is bff meets bff month. It’s my bff anniversary month! Yes , bff and I have nine years in our friendship basket. I’m so excited, partly because our friendship has been instrumental in my growth. Also, Bff is support… bff is fun… bff is shoulder.

Also, it is birthday month!! Yes as a matter of fact, if you are reading this, It’s my birthday today!! I’m getting close to 25 and that scares the day lights out of me. Remember those lists we wrote when we were young on how we would change the world at 25? I know *hides face in palms* I have almost 12 months to my deadline. Well that aside… I thought to do a 24 at 24 but I thought it was to cliché so instead we shall share five little lessons and realizations I have gathered in the past year. Also I shared a 23 things at 23 post right here be sure to check it out.

I have learnt not to hold back my emotions and to be really comfortable with who I am… with all my weird habits, my emotional self and my uniqueness. It doesn’t matter how many times you hear this… I still will tell you to love you and do you. This is not only a daily process but it also takes time and a long time to finally accept you. I’m not yet there yet but I am slowly learning… to love me.

I have learnt that my most valuable investment is people… yes it’s so much better than all the things we attach importance to. What would school be if there weren’t people to learn from, learn with or even teach? What is this blog if it doesn’t help anyone? Half if not all our endeavours and efforts are directed towards people… so I have learnt to serve and to find joy in service…. To empathise with humanity both friends and fore alike… in the end we are all human Innit?
I also love the fact that my circle is down to a size that I can handle… you see as you get older, you crave for simplicity and your circle is no exception. I learnt that it is better to have two or three really tight friends who you can get emotionally naked with and serve you 100% than a crowd that needs you to have your stuff together all the time. So yes, my circle is pretty lean… and I have been enjoying the ease at which I can keep tabs on everyone (friends check up on each other.)

I have learnt to let myself be loved… it’s good to be in control of things that happen, but it is also okay when a few slip out of your hand… and it’s also okay to let someone else take care of things and of you. It is not only relaxing but it is also builds trust, teaches you to open your heart to love and care… I shared lots about this here…do take a suss!!

Smell the flowers… take deep breaths… enjoy sunrise and sunset… chase your dreams… take long walks…hug and hug a lot…cuddle… laugh… go out into nature…. Eat cake or veggies or both for no good reason…. Just enjoy life.
Here is to a productive twenty fifth year full of uniqueness, people… tight friends ….. vulnerability and lots of love!!
