Life Update

Hello loves,
Happy mid-June everyone… how is the going? Hope you are all doing great!! Well first, I have missed being out here smiling lol. I have been swamped with school and life, I haven’t been up here as much as I would like. I am not sure this will pick up yet, but I will show my face on here at least once a week with some exciting posts.
Anyhu, so we begin at a life update. Just having us catch up with what I have been up to. This is that point where I am like, grab a cup of tea or lemonade and lets have a chat.
Fifth Year Arch School
Have I ever said that I happen to pursue Architecture? If I didn’t, well I do (I have said now). So I am in my fifth year and boy isn’t it a lot of work! Or perhaps I am tired. Fifth year is the pre-thesis stage where you have to contend with the fact that, you have a degree in your pocket and any stupid move you make leads to everyone questioning whether you really have content in your head. There is actually a lot of pressure.
Also there is that point where you have to explain to everyone how you are still in school after graduation and how you graduate twice. Other than that, design is always a pleasure (though hard).
B is gone!!
If you follow me on Instagram then you know that I have been mourning/ raving about B going away on internship. So B is on his way to becoming a doctor and is doing his internship 3 hours away from Nairobi (read as far away). This is actually the longest we have had to live apart so yes it is a big deal, especially considering how our lives and work have been so intertwined and we somehow have to make it work individually (#slaywithoutbae). In fact he left during exam week and boy by the end of week two I was like “I can’t this life!!” We are coping though, many long hours of calls later.

Hair update
So I am due for a trim soon…sooner than I dare think…because the single strand knots I am having do not make me happy at all. I have been protective styling for most of the half year so that I do not get to deal with it yet, but I think I am ready. Also length check will be coming soon! Stay tuned
Also I have been on a no buy period just to try and get through most of the products I had in my stash, but I am itching to get my hands on other products already. I am almost done with the ones I have. Speaking of which anyone in Kenya who has a suggestion of a deep conditioner that I can use please leave a comment below… I really don’t seem to find a holy grail yet.
So how have you guys been… do share with me below…. Also, do suggest what posts you would love to see.
Love and love