Of Silhouettes and selflove
I have a love hate relationship with the mirror. As a matter of fact, before my Natural Hair Journey, I never really used a mirror in my...

2 smoothie ideas + vegan challenge update
Hey lovelies happy Friday… we haven’t cooked on here this month, which is quite weird considering that we are on a vegan challenge. I am...

Vegan Challenge!!!
Hey lovelies, happy Monday!! Hope your week is off to a smashing start! If it isn’t smashing yet, things are bound to get better partly...

Birthday Vegetarian Meat Balls
Is it even accurate to call them meat balls? Seeing that there is no meat in them? I’m not too sure about that. Anyway hello everyone,...

Confidence...the struggle
Hey people I have a confession to make. So if you have met me before, you probably know that I am one of the people who pretty much have...

Me time routine
Heyyy So as I mentioned in an earlier post, I love to pamper myself. I do it more frequently now because my body has been and still is...

Recent Favourite Habits
Hello loves, Happy Sunday, the day we all get to prepare for a busy week ahead. Hope you have been great as I have. Today I thought I’d...

OOTD.... or is it HOTD?
Hey loves, This post will be really brief as I just popped in to say hello and also to share a little of an outfit and mainly hair up-do....

Hello loves, Saying that I have missed being here is an understatement. Really wanted to be around, but I have been so busy here there...

What love is | a weird combination
Heyy everyone… One of the hardest things to do on social media is being absolutely honest. There is this pressure in social media in...